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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Recurrent pregnancy loss (recurrent miscarriage) is defined as three or more consecutive pregnancy losses, although we will start investigations after 2 consecutive losses.

Unfortunately pregnancy loss or miscarriage is common in the first trimester and more than one in five pregnancies ends in a miscarriage. Most miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo and this risk increases with maternal age.

Other possible causes are:

  • blood disorders like thrombophilia
  • immunological disorders like antiphospholipid syndrome, coeliac disease
  • metabolic/endocrine disorders, like luteal phase defect, diabetes and thyroid antibodies
  • pelvic pathology like endometriosis and
  • uterine factors like adhesions, uterine septum and intrauterine fibroids

Second trimester pregnancy loss

Pregnancy loss after 14 weeks is unusual and all of these cases are investigated.

Cervical incompetence is the inability of the cervix to hold the pregnancy inside the uterus until full term and is a common cause of second-trimester pregnancy loss.

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