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(Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone)


A LLETZ is the procedure used to remove abnormal cells from the cervix.

 At SJOG Mt Lawley Hospital this procedure is done in the operating theatre under general anaesthetic. (It can also be done under local anaesthetic in theatre).

 The  abnormal cells are removed with an electric wire loop.  The specimen is sent to a laboratory for examination - histology.  The area of the cervix is further cauterised to stop the bleeding.  Special paste or sutures may be applied to the cervix for the same purpose. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes. 



  • You will have a vaginal discharge for up to four weeks
  • Avoid intercourse and the use of tampons for four weeks
  • Avoid swimming pools, spas, baths – use the shower for four weeks
  • Avoid heavy exercise, running and jumping for two-four weeks.
  • Most women are able to resume normal activities within 1-2 days.


Seek medical attention if

  • You have offensive vaginal discharge with or without lower abdominal pain.
  • You have heavy vaginal bleeding or passing large clots.


Follow up

You will receive a phone call or letter with the results and follow up recommendations, or your doctor may ask you to come to the clinic for review. Most of the time you will be seeing your GP in 12 months for a follow up Co-Test (HPV and cytology). On occasion we request that you have a colposcopy and Co-Test six months after the treatment. We rely on you to make this appointment.  Your GP will receive a copy of the results, and a letter confirming that you have had the procedure and recommendation for follow up arrangements.

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